21 February 2008 - Escher and tesselations
Powerpoint of linear translations - tesselations presentation. (to view the show, download and play)
The Escher images below are at the http://www.mcescher.com/ website and copyright of that group. This is the official website for information about M. C. Escher and has movies with interviews of him. Below are softlinks into the page and not at this site. There is an interesting discussion about how to tell the difference between real Escher prints and forgeries. This argument is based on the concept of proportion - which we discussed last week.
The scans for how-to create the tesselations are from "Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach" by Michael Serra, and published by Key Curriculum Press. This is an excellent text book available at http://www.keypress.com and I highly recommend that you purchase it and go through the activities this summer if you are taking geometry in the fall. It has many links to interactive things on-line as well.
To the best of my knowledge, I'm using this information within the context of fair-use and not in violation of copyrights. But if anyone objects or wants this webpage removed, I'll remove it.
Tesselations Using Only Translations
The example is Symmetry Drawing E105, M. C. Escher 1960
This is the image linked at http://www.mcescher.com/ website 
The recipe for creating this tesselation:

Using translations on a hexagonal grid is also possible:

Tesselations Using Rotations
The example is Symmetry Drawing E25, M. C. Escher 1939
This is the image linked at http://www.mcescher.com/ website 

The example is Symmetry Drawing E44, M. C. Escher
This is the image linked at http://www.mcescher.com/ website

Tesselations That Use Glide Reflections
The example is Symmetry Drawing E67 Horseman Sketch, M. C. Escher
This is the image linked at http://www.mcescher.com/ website 

Symmetry Drawing 108 done in 1967 is another example. It can be viewed at this site.

School resources.
Software and information.
Tess Download software to do tesselations
Tesselations at Mathforum
Another Tesselation page at Mathforum
Kali tesselation software
Tesselation software at the Geometry Center
CLN Tesselations
How about exploring Escher in 3D - with Legos? Check out this gallery. And this blog.
