Here are some home-grown activities.
LunchBox Math - just a byte Eratosthenes Sieve
Pretzel Puzzles
Gaussian Elimination
Polygons 1
Polygons 2
Probability of Coin Tosses
Probability of Dice Rolls
Messy Data
A Donkey Mystery
Linear Transformations, Systems of Linear Equations Proportion, Scaling, Linear Transformations
Proportions in Egyptian Art
Proportions in Greek and Renaissance Art (Golden Section)
Proportions in a Barbie Doll
Enlargement Activity - Wildcats Image
Powerpoint of linear translations - tesselations presentation. (to view the show, download and play)
Minutes: Introduction to Linear Tranformations, Scaling and Proportion
Minutes: Stump the Chump with Systems of Linear Equations
Minutes: Underground Railroad - Linear Scaling
Minutes: Linear Tranformations: Rotation, Translation, Mirror and Glide (art from M. C. Escher)